About IMA Dombivli

About IMA Dombivli

IMA Dombivli is one of the most active and Vibrant Branch of Indian Medical Association Maharashtra State, working under National IMA. Formed in 1971, with Dr K.N. Varde as its Founder President, IMA Dombivli is in its 6th decade of existence. IMA Dombivli has transformed into a dynamic branch doing plethora of activities, which has been recognized with multiple accolades from State and National IMA. With 410 doctors of Modern Medicine as its members, IMA Dombivli is well recognised for its social commitments, Community service work and multiple Scientific, Educational, and fellowship activities for its members. IMA Dombivli has always been on the forefront for conducting community service and social activities for the benefit of community at large, under aegis of Dombivli Medical Foundation Trust of IMA Dombivli (Registered Public Charitable Trust).